What's Really In Our Food

Endless guessing
Picture taken from https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7543922-what-s-in-my-food                 

Olla! Usually people like to eat and do not know and most of them not prefer to know what is inside the food except for those that really concern about the cleanliness and health. The one that concern about food will be always keep asking about what is the ingredients and how was the process of the food. The guessing will always be in the mind.

We should know which food contain carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and fats. From that, we will consume the right amount of taking for each nutrition. As for the carbohydrates, it is the most importance source for the body. The energy that we used for our daily life is from the carbohydrates. Our digestive system changed carbohydrates into glucose in science term or blood sugar. We need this blood sugar for the tissues, cells, and organs. The examples of the food that contain most of the carbohydrates are whole grains, milk, and rice.  

As for the protein, it is a macro nutrient that is necessary for the proper growth and function of the human body. When it comes to the protein, our mind will be trigger to remember about the protein powder that popular nowadays. People consume it to gain weight and build the muscle. The examples of food that contain high protein are fish, chicken, cheese and tofu.

As for the fiber, usually it can be found in plants. But, the plants that can be eat. For an example are fruits, vegetables and grains. Fiber will help us in lower the high cholesterol, control blood sugar and helping in regulates the speed of digestion. Last but not least, the fats. Fats and cholesterol cannot be separated. This is the most nutrient that should be the least to consume. Fats is saturated fats. Meaning that if we consume too much fat will lead us to obesity, high cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Live your life to the fullest.


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